GitHub Contrubuting FAQs

This is a collection of FAQs/road-blocks/queries/issues I had over the past 2 years of engagement with GitHub.

Zeel B Patel


April 6, 2022

Q1: What is an efficient way to work on multiple issues at once?

Create separate branches for each issue. Do not work on the master branch.

Q1.1: Why not?

We will see that in Q5.

Q2: What to do if the main (or master) gets updated before I open a PR?

Pull the changes directly to your branch with:

git pull

Q3: What to do with the fork’s main when the original main is updated?

Fetch upstream with GitHub GUI or use the same solution given in Q2.

Q4: Why and when keeping the fork’s main up to date with the original main is important?

Whenever we need to create new branches (usually from the fork’s main).

Q5: How to update a change in a PR that is open?

Push the change to the corresponding branch and PR will get updated automatically.