Why Random Baseline?
Given a standard dataset with a fixed set of models, it is easier to compare the performance of different models. But what if we are working on a new model which has performance far from the best set of models but as a first step, we simply want to check if the model is learning anything at all. In such cases, it is useful to compare the performance of the model with a random baseline.
Proposed Idea
To formalize the problem, let’s say for an arbitrary image, model predicts \(k\) bounding boxes with sizes \((h_1, w_1), (h_2, w_2), \ldots, (h_k, w_k)\) .
A simple random baseline would be to generate \(k\) random bounding boxes for that image with sizes \((h_1, w_1), (h_2, w_2), \ldots, (h_k, w_k)\) . In other words, we can simply move the predicted bounding boxes to random locations ensuring that the bounding boxes are within the image.
import os
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' ] = '1'
import numpy as np
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
import supervision as sv
from roboflow import Roboflow
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from ultralytics import YOLO
from copy import deepcopy
from PIL import Image
from IPython.display import clear_output
data_location = "/tmp/poker-cards-fmjio"
rf = Roboflow(api_key= os.getenv("ROBOFLOW_API_KEY" ))
project = rf.workspace("roboflow-jvuqo" ).project("poker-cards-fmjio" )
version = project.version(4 )
dataset = version.download("yolov8" , location= data_location)
loading Roboflow workspace...
loading Roboflow project...
Train Model
model = YOLO("yolo11m" )
model.train(data= f" { data_location} /data.yaml" , epochs= 1 , project= "/tmp/poker-cards-fmjio" , exist_ok= True )
Evaluate Model
test_dataset = sv.DetectionDataset.from_yolo(f" { data_location} /test/images" , f" { data_location} /test/labels" , f" { data_location} /data.yaml" )
len (test_dataset)
annotations_list = []
detections_list = []
for _, img, annotations in tqdm(test_dataset):
results = model.predict(img, verbose= False )[0 ]
detections = sv.Detections.from_ultralytics(results)
mAP = sv.metrics.MeanAveragePrecision().update(detections_list, annotations_list).compute()
Random Baseline
As per our assumption, we would simply need to randomly move the existing bounding boxes keeping their sizes constant with the following constraints:
The bounding box should be within the image boundaries.
min_size = 0
max_size = model.args['imgsz' ]
mAPs = []
for random_seed in tqdm(range (100 )):
random_detections_list = []
for detections in detections_list:
random_detections = deepcopy(detections)
shift = np.random.rand(len (detections))
lower_limit = - detections.xyxy.min (axis= 1 ) + 1e-6
upper_limit = max_size - detections.xyxy.max (axis= 1 ) - 1e-6
transformed_shift = lower_limit + shift * (upper_limit - lower_limit)
random_detections.xyxy = random_detections.xyxy + transformed_shift.reshape(- 1 , 1 )
mAP = sv.metrics.MeanAveragePrecision().update(random_detections_list, annotations_list).compute()
print (f"mAP50: { mAP. map50:.2f} +/- { np. std(mAPs):.2f} " )
We can also modify the confidence values.
min_size = 0
max_size = model.args['imgsz' ]
mAPs = []
for random_seed in tqdm(range (100 )):
random_detections_list = []
for detections in detections_list:
random_detections = deepcopy(detections)
shift = np.random.rand(len (detections))
lower_limit = - detections.xyxy.min (axis= 1 ) + 1e-6
upper_limit = max_size - detections.xyxy.max (axis= 1 ) - 1e-6
transformed_shift = lower_limit + shift * (upper_limit - lower_limit)
random_detections.xyxy = random_detections.xyxy + transformed_shift.reshape(- 1 , 1 )
random_detections.confidence = np.random.rand(len (detections))
mAP = sv.metrics.MeanAveragePrecision().update(random_detections_list, annotations_list).compute()
print (f"mAP50: { mAP. map50:.2f} +/- { np. std(mAPs):.2f} " )
So, in this case, our model got better than the random baseline with a single epoch.