KL divergence v/s cross-entropy

Understanding KL divergence

Zeel B Patel


January 20, 2022


In a classification problem, for a data-point \(\mathbf{x}_i\), we have the true label \(y_i\) associated with it.

Let us assume that we have three possible outcomes \(\{L1, L2, L3\}\) and for current \(\mathbf{x}_i\), corresponding \(y_i\) is \(L2\). Then Ground truth probability distribution is the following:

\[ p_G(y = L1) = 0\\ p_G(y = L2) = 1\\ p_G(y=L3) = 0 \]

Let us assume that our classifier model Predicted the following distribution:

\[ p_P(y = L1) = 0.1\\ p_P(y = L2) = 0.8\\ p_P(y=L3) = 0.1 \]

KL divergence

We can use KL divergence to check how good is our model. The formula is:

\[ D_{KL}(p_G\;\rVert\;p_P) = \sum_{y_i \in \{L1, L2, L3\}} p_G(y_i)\log\frac{p_G(y_i)}{p_P(y_i)} \]

For our example,

\[ D_{KL}(p_G\;\rVert\;p_P) = \log\frac{1}{0.8} \]

It is evident that if \(p_P(y = L2)\) decreses from \(0.8\), \(D_{KL}(p_G\;\rVert\;p_P)\) will increase and vice versa. Note that KL divergence is not symmetric which means \(D_{KL}(p_G\;\rVert\;p_P) \ne D_{KL}(p_P\;\rVert\;p_G)\).


Cross-entropy is another measure for distribution similarity. The formula is:

\[ H(p_G, p_P) = \sum_{y_i \in \{L1, L2, L3\}} - p_G(y_i)\log p_P(y_i) \]

For our example:

\[ H(p_G, p_P) = -\log 0.8 = \log \frac{1}{0.8} \]

KL divergence v/s cross-entropy

This shows that KL divergence and cross-entropy will return the same values for a simple classification problem. Then why do we use cross-entropy as a loss function and not KL divergence?

That’s because KL divergence will compute additional constant terms (zero here) that are not adding any value in minimization.